Discussing the reasons of why many marketers are not able to convert lead to sales.
You'll Lose Money Without This "Compass" in Your Business
Tracking is the "compass" for your online business.
You are throwing your money into the sea if you are not using any tracking tool!
Hey hey hey, it is Hardy Loh here and welcome back to 《Hardy Dimension》.
First, you might be curious why you need a tracking tool.
Allow me to break this down for you.
Why do You Need a Tracking Tool?
In any case, you will have a hard time reaching your destination if you don’t know where the correct path is.
For example, you may be going fishing and not know if there are any fish in the particular lake that you want to catch.
Maybe you will try your luck there because it is a big lake.
It should have a lot of fish swimming there.
You will catch the fish that you want.
Therefore, you have spent hours waiting for a fish to get caught.
It might not be the case.
In this scenario, you have wasted hours of waiting repeatedly but not getting what you want.
It is because you thought there were big fish to catch.
There is no fish that you want to catch.
This is the same reason for building a business online.
If you don’t know where the good traffic is coming from and which can get you the good results (money).
As a result, you will waste your money and time on advertising.
You need to collect the DATA and information.
So that you will not like shooting in the dark, does that make sense?
In addition, using this tracking tool can protect your raw affiliate link
from getting banned if you are promoting affiliate products.
For example, you posted your raw affiliate link to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or other social media sites.
If your post is flagged or reported as spam a few times,
you can no longer post your affiliate link to that platform.
They have already banned it because some people reported it as spam.
At this point, using a tracking link is very...very...very important here.
This is why you need a good tracking tool in any case.
A Simple Yet Powerful Tracking Machine!!
ClickMagick is a powerful tool for tracking and optimizing all your marketing pages or websites in one place.
Regardless of where you advertise your business.
You could even monitor how many unique visitors have viewed your page,
which country they are from, using a desktop or mobile phone, etc.
I use it on ALL my marketing campaigns to track every click from the front page to the offer page.
Tracking is vital in advertising and marketing,
you are wasting a lot of money on advertising without it.
Besides, you will not be able to scale it.
You need the data to optimize your ad campaigns.
Then you will be able to scale the winner and cut the loser.
In short, you could make MORE MONEY if you could identify the winner!
ClickMagick is purely focused on tracking and they did the best job here.
Therefore, this is one of my recommended online business tools for you.
It is simple to use and yet powerful as well.
There are tons of step-by-step tutorials here that you can refer to.
Click here to play around and watch the introduction video.
Hopefully, you like today's episode and what I have shared above.
Have fun with it.
I will see you in the next episode 😉
- Hardy
Previous Episode: Traffic Generations Is The "OXYGEN" For Your Online Business
My name is Hardy. For the past 13 years, I have been working oversea with only one goal, to make more money. Years after years, I was sick and tired for the day job and realized that I won't be able to go back to my country and be with my family if things remain the same. I had to figure out a different path. To do so, I have to become something else, I have to become an Internet Entrepreneur.
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